Square Foot: 2463
Main Floor Square Foot: 1306
Upper Floors Square Foot: 1157
Bathrooms: 2.5
Bedrooms: 4
Cars: 3
Floors: 2
Site Type(s): Flat lot
Features: 11 ft. ceilings in Dining, Living and Den, 43/0 wide x 54/0 deep, Beautiful East Coast Shingle Style, Exciting four bedroom, den with seperate living and family
M-2463SH This design has it all. From a three-car garage, to four bedrooms conveniently located upstairs, to a media center. What more could you want for the money. My favorite part is the vaulted entry. This gives the home an impressive curb appeal. Notice also that at only 43 feet wide it will fit on most any site.
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