Square Foot: 2310
Main Floor Square Foot: 1416
Upper Floors Square Foot: 894
Bathrooms: 2.5
Bedrooms: 4
Cars: 3
Floors: 3
Site Type(s): Front View lot, Garage Under, Side sloped lot, Up sloped lot
Features: Bold and architecturally correct MSA Prairie uphill plan., Fits a steep uphill and/or sidehill site., Spacious and private rear study off living room., Very generious family room shares view to the front.
This exciting Prairie design was introduced in Our Designers Showcase Of Homes 94. It was built by Dura-built construction company, and as you can see from the photos they did a fantastic job. Designed for a steep uphill or sidesloping lot this home takes advantage of a front view. The very very large family room would face such a view, as well as the dining, living and master bedroom. At only a little over 2300 square feet I was able to achieve a good balance of size and functionality here. The rooms are very comfortable and the traffic pattern flows very well. If you have a need for a design on an uphill lot this could be it.
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